Friday, August 18, 2006

Free Will

Following a moment
Closer than breath
Joining the Space between spaces
Loyalty is the symphony of creation
An ever-present parent near at hand
Awaits consent
Timeless patience
Why do flowers bloom so passionately?
Do they have free will?
to reframe
the content
depending context
of humming bird
or honey bee?


Saturday, August 12, 2006

Do you believe what is real?

Go to the wild places if you dare. Enter yourself. Go bare. Are you soluble? Do you care? Darkness and emptiness are myths we hold on to. Optical illusions. Emotional delusions. Inventions. Is that something you'd like to refute? Am I speaking in metaphors? Actually I am thinking quite absolute. Literally. Pour water into my glass and stop when you get half way. Ask me the old cliche. What do you think I will say?
